Thursday, February 3, 2011

I suppose they aren't going to hell

I am a firm believer that spiritual beliefs should not be forced onto anyone.  There are so many different religions and spiritual beliefs out there; who am I to tell anyone what they should believe?
This belief was met with some resistance when I did not have my children christened or baptized.  In fact I almost caved into the pressure and had them baptized by one of Dave's coworkers.  He is a local preacher who is a nice man but is also one of the most intolerant people I have ever met.  It was my mom who opened my eyes, "Michelle what kind of God would send a baby to hell because he/she wasn't baptized?"
She was right and I do not regret my decision.  That being said.
I am a very spiritual person.  I am trying to raise my children to be spiritual without forcing them into a belief system.  We teach them, love, respect and peace.  I feel that is the foundation for spirituality.
Well today we were talking about all the words that start with the letter G.  All of a sudden Maddie says "oh that bad G word"  " What bad G word"  Both kids at the same time "God"  oops.
Thinking more about it, they were associating the bad word as when we tell them not to  say "Oh my God" or "God damn it".  I explained that it wasn't God that was the bad word but how you said it.  Then I got hit with the question that I knew was coming next  "Mommy who is God?"
I had that moment of doubt.  "Am I neglecting my kids' spiritual growth because I don't make them go to church every Sunday?"
I don't think so.  We had a nice conversation on the way to school.  All about how people believe that God created the world and the universe.  How people believe different things and some people go to church to share those beliefs.  Maddie started talking about how her friends so to church on Sundays and why don't we go.
I explained to them that you can still believe in God and not go to church.  They seem fine with that and for that I am happy.
I explained to them that when they get older we will visit different churches and pick one that they want to go to.  I have to admit I didn't think I would be having this conversation so soon with the kids.  I think it was great.  I want my children to grow up to be tolerant and respectful of others.  I don't care if they ever go to church as long as they live their lives with love and kindness towards others.