Tuesday, November 16, 2010

permission for a pity party

I always try to look on the positive side of things.  If something goes wrong I try to tell myself it could always be worse.  Right?  I don't know if this stems from having read too many motivational books or watching motivational keynote speakers shove rainbows up the collective asses of everyone in the audience.  Honestly has watching the Evolution of Dance made anyone a better person or just really tired for that poor guy?  Regardless,  I think my tendency to lean to the "I suppose it could be worse pretty much stems from the fact that I'm a grown up and I have to have a grown up attitude.  That and the hidden fear I have that if I think my problems are the worst in the world then Karma will prove me right in a big time way.
As try as I might sometimes I just can't keep that positive outlook and I just get down.  I was trying to look on the bright side of a concern and my friend just finally said "My god Michelle just be realistic,  you had a shitty day, its OK to have a pity party, its OK to feel bad".   She told me to set a time limit on my pity party and just have one.  Personally I think this is great advice.  Its OK to feel bad for yourself or your situation even if its not the worst thing that has ever happened to you. 
We all have stressful days, we have those days when nothing goes right and you swear that someone, somewhere is out to get you..  9 times out of 10 lately I think that the person who is out to get me is one if not both of my kids.  I know it could be worse and for many others it is but sometimes its alright just to say "this really sucks" and cry just a little bit.  Pity party, table for one.

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