Sunday, January 27, 2013

Starting Over...

I suppose we all have reasons for starting over.  I suppose we all have things we are starting over.  This is the time of year when people decide to renew, refresh and resolve.

For instance, I am starting over on this little blog of mine. It has been so long since I wrote a blog post I wondered if the site was there or if I would even remember my log in?   Why am I starting over?  Well basically because I feel like writing.  Why now?  That one is easy,  I mentioned starting a blog to someone and was so horrified that I never post in it I felt the need to start posting again.  The embarrassment of her seeing my blog that has well, nothing posted to it in a year was enough to get me to start over.

When we start over we are energized, we are committed, we are going to get it done this time!!!  Woo Hoo!!!  Who am I kidding? When we start over we are also embarrassed about having to start over, struggling with doubt because we didn't accomplish what we wanted the first time, and we have this underlying feeling of worry.  Worry that we will not accomplish what we are starting over again.

I think this could apply to all new beginnings.  Whether it is a new attempt to lose weight, quit smoking, or as something as serious as starting over from a divorce or loss.  Obviously there are many different degrees of starting over.  My decision to start writing on my tiny ambiguous blog is minuscule in comparison to someone who is starting over from a tragedy such as having everything they know swept away in Hurricane Sandy or losing someone you love.  I cannot fathom the strength and determination to have to start over from a tragedy of that magnitude. I am continually humbled by the strength of people who can start over from devastation.

I believe when we start anything over we start with a decision to change.  We realize that our current state needs to change and we are going to do that by starting over.  I suppose any change to what we are currently doing is starting something over.  I suppose taking the first step is the best way to start.

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